हिन्दी में देखें  Today   19 February , 2025 Wednesday  Time  05:50:11

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Horoscope Reports : Includes Astrological Calculations with Favourable Points, Gems and Remedies &. Gem Wearing,Yoga Karakas, Manglik Vichar, Kalsarp dosha & Sadhesati , Remedies of Sade-Sati,Nakshatra Phal, House Reading and Ten Yearly Predictions,TwoYear AstroGraph for Health & Finance,

AJ-C6- Rs.1100/-


Horoscope Reports : Includes all astrological calculations with favourable points, Gems and Remedies &. Gem Wearing, Lucky Ston, Yoga Karakas, Manglik Vichar, Kalsarp dosha & Sadhesati , Navamsa Reading, Nakshatra Phal, Plent Phal , House Reading and Twenty Five Yearly Predictions,FiveYear AstroGraph for Health & Finance, Numerology Life Graph

AJ-C7- Rs.2100/-


All In One Report : Horoscope Calculations AJ-C6 with Remedies & Complete LalKitab AJ-LK3 Report.



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Rs. 500/-

$ 50

K.P. Gems Selection


Rs. 500/-

$ 50

Birth Time Rectification


Rs. 1100/-

$ 110

Matching Compatibility Horoscope : Includes Ashtakoot Guna Chart, Manglik Dosh. Compatibility with conclusion about matching where the native's health and children, finance and relation with in laws shall be brought under consideration.

Special Analysis - Paapa Saamyam , Maha Dosha Quantum, Star Match ( 36 and 48 Points ), Star Classification, Dasa Sandhi Check , Chart, Mixed Chart, Groom and Bride Planet to Planet, House to House and Planet to House Relations, Synastry, Solunar Method.


AJ-M4- Rs.500/-

$ 50

Complete Numerology Reportng : Includes information about your important numbers, numerological life graph, numerological prediction, adjustment of name number to get favourable results with numerological remedies.


AJ-N3- Rs.500/-

$ 50

Complete LalKitab Report : Includes Lal Kitab astrology calculations and its exclusively different predictions with easy, affordable and effective remedies, annual horoscope with remedies plus prediction for next 10 years apart from general prediction.

AJ-LK3- Rs.1100/-

$ 110

Astro Graph for Health & Finance 5 Year :

AJ-AG- Rs.250/-

$ 25

Horoscope Yoga :

AJ-Yoga- Rs.500/-


Varshaphal Horoscope Predictions. : Calculations of birth details, Natal & Progressed, Janma Langa & Chalit,Varsh Lagna & Chalit Charts, Moon & Navamsa Charts of Natal & Progressed, Friendship, Dwadasvarga, Dwadasvargeeya Table, Harsh Bala, Panchvargeeya Bala, Sahams, Triptaki Chart, Patyamsa, Mudda & Sookshama Vimshottari Dasha.monthly chart and varsh predictions.

AJ-Y4- Rs.500/-

$ 25

Any other Muhurat Consultation. : Muhurth birth details, Auspicious date chart, Auspicious date graph and best time chart and graph for a particular date.


AJ-Muhurth - Rs.250/-

$ 25

Note: Coriar Charges will be Extra.. :


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