हिन्दी में देखें  Today   12 March , 2025 Wednesday  Time  09:54:39

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1. Panchang :- Tithis, Names of Nakshatras (Constellations),Panchak, Mool, Names of Taras, Yogas, Karan, Bhadra, Ayana, General Rules of Auspicious Lagna Determination General Rules of Auspicious Day Determination Chaugharia Muhurth, Hora Muhurth for Success in Work, Which Work To Do in Which Hora


2. Yog :- Siddhi Yog, Amrit Yog , Ravi Pushya Yog, Guru Pushya Yog, Rajyaprad Yog, Ravi Yog, Prashasta Yog, Abhijit (Victory) Muhurth, Tripushkar Yog, Dwipushkar Yog, Mrityu (Death) Yog, Kaal Yog, Dagdha Yog, Vish Yog, Hutashan Yog, Yamghant Yog, Some Important Yogas


Panchang has 5 parts.:- Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra (constellation), Yog and Karan. The auspicious time is known on the basis of these elements. The combinations of these 5 elements give auspicious or inauspicious time. By determination of auspicious time, a Muhurth is decided.


1. Normal Muhurth :- The Muhurth which is not based on Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra etc is normal Muhurth such as Chaughariya, Abhijit etc.  


2. Specific Muhurth :- The Muhurth that requires consideration of sign, nakshatra, tithi, vaar etc of the native is specific Muhurth. Examples: marriage, joining of a job, purchase of a vehicle etc.  


Muhurth According to your Horoscope.


Get your detailed (DOB,TOB & Birth Place)


Muhurth Charges


Muhurth Match Making

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For Single Person Muhurth detailed ...(Click Her)



Marriage Ceremony New born child Education
Business Started Industrial Establishment Medical-Start treatment
Election Service Court
House Speculation Construction
Occupational Miscellaneous Temple-Consecration
Ratna Dharan Depawali Pujan Muhurat for Kaalsarpayoga
Vehicle Property Journey
Yagya-Anusthan Boring




Selection of the bridegroom

Selection of the bride

Entry of the bride


Auspicious moment for first time cooking by the bride

Auspicious moment to go on Honeymoon

Love Marriage

New born child

Auspicious moment for Namakaran

Auspicious moment for Annaprashan

Auspicious moment for Churakaran ceremony

Auspicious moment for Karnavedha ceremony

Auspicious moment for Yagyopavit ceremony

Best time for child birth

Auspicious moment for Cradling (Dola-arohana)

Auspicious moment to go out of the house for first time (Niskramana samskara)

Auspicious moment for sitting on land for first time (Bhumi Upveshna)

Auspicious moment for worshiping well, worshiping water


Auspicious moment for Aksharaarambha ceremony

Auspicious moment for admission in Educational institution

Business Started

Auspicious moment to start a small scale business

Auspicious moment to start a large scale business

Precious Stones (cutting and polishing)business

Industrial Establishment

Auspicious moment for laying the foundation stone

Auspicious moment to start an industrial establishment

Auspicious moment for the installation of machine

Auspicious moment to start the machine

Medical-Start treatment

Auspicious moment to start treatment

Auspicious moment to undergo surgery

Auspicious moment to come back from hospitalisation


To file nomination paper

To take an oath

To take charge


Auspicious moment for starting a job

Auspicious moment for resignation

Auspicious moment to call on a senior official

Auspicious moment to take a new charge


Auspicious moment to file a law-suit

Auspicious moment to come to a compromise


Auspicious moment laying the foundation stone

House-warming ceremony in a new house

House-warning ceremony in an old house

Auspicious moment to enter into a rented house

Auspicious moment to purchase a house

Auspicious moment to sell a house

Auspicious moment to rennovate a house


Auspicious moment to buy shares

Auspicious moment to sell shares

Auspicious moment to buy lottery

Auspicious moment to play cards

Auspicious moment to bet in horse racing

Auspicious moment for act relating to gold

Auspicious moment to purchase commodities

Auspicious moment to sell commodities

Auspicious moment to play in the casino

Auspicious moment to bet


Auspicious moment to construct a bridge

Auspicious moment to start construction of a society

Auspicious moment to start construction of a multi storey building


Auspicious moment for lending money

Auspicious moment for depositing money in the bank

Auspicious moment for giving loan

Auspicious moment for taking loan

Auspicious moment for loan repayment

Auspicious moment for recovering due money


Auspicious days for all functions

Auspicious days for all functions

Auspicious moment to start film production

Auspicious moment for releasing a film

Auspicious moment to fill in an application

Auspicious moment for adopting a child

Auspicious moment for dividing property

Auspicious moment to employ a person

Auspicious moment for starting Bahi-Patra

Auspicious moment for seed sowing

Auspicious moment for crop reaping


Construction of the temple

Construction of the idol

Consecration of the god

Consecration of the goddess

Consecration of the god in house

Yantra Pujan

Ratna Dharan

Surya Manik

Chandar Moti

Mangal Munga

Budh Panna

Guru Pukhraj

Shukra Hira

Shani Nilam

Rahu Gomed

Ketu Vedurya Mani

Navghra Puja

Ratan Pran Pratishtha

Rudraksh Dharan vidhi

Depawali Pujan


Muhurat for Kaalsarpayoga

Kaalsarpa ShantiPuja


Auspicious moment to purchase a new vehicle

Auspicious moment to purchase an old vehicle

Auspicious moment to sell a vehicle

Auspicious moment to ride vehicle for the first time


Auspicious moment to sell a property

Auspicious moment to purchase a property

Auspicious moment to purchase a shop

Auspicious moment to sell a shop

Auspicious moment to open a shop


Short journey towards East

Short journey towards South

Short journey towards West

Short journey towards North

Long Journey towards east

Long Journey towards south

Long Journey towards West

Long Journey towards North

Overseas trip towards the eastern part of the world

Overseas trip towards the southern part of the world

Overseas trip towards the Western part of the world

Overseas trip towards the northern part of the world



Shiv Vaas

